👻 Halloween Fitness Challenge!🎃
If that Halloween candy has been a little too tempting, join us this Halloween for a way to burn off some of those Reese’s cups!

👻 Spooky Guacamole Ideas!🎃
- At October 25, 2021
- By Holly Gish
- In Recipes
Avocados are a versatile super delicious way to get your healthy fats and micros. Add some spooks to your scoops this Halloween with these guacamole variations!
Squat Through the Fall: Box Jumps
- At October 22, 2021
- By Holly Gish
- In Exercise of the Week, Videos
Get #fitforthefall with this exercise series! Last week, we demonstrated the Bosu Squat Hopover. This week, we finish the series with an exercise to complete your cardio endurance routine! Box Jumps are a great exercise to improve dynamic strength, cardiovascular endurance, hip stability, and to keep your leg day interesting!
🍂 🎃 Fall Into Fitness: Reverse Lunge Variations💀 🍁
Momentum is here to help you stay active and fit this fall! Add a little instability and weight to increase muscle activation in the legs and core with this lunge variation. Continue improving your hip hinge, target the correct muscles and strengthen your legs with this exercise!
Reduced Sugar Halloween Treat Ideas!
- At October 19, 2021
- By Holly Gish
- In Recipes
Try out these hauntingly healthy 🎃 Halloween👻 treats and enjoy a reduced sugar holiday!
Squatting Through the Fall- Bosu Squat Hopovers
- At October 15, 2021
- By Holly Gish
- In Exercise of the Week, Videos
Get #fitforthefall with this exercise series! This week, get a jump on your squats! Once you’ve mastered how to load your hips properly, add some dynamic strength and endurance training to your squat routine with Bosu Squat Hopovers!