Recipe of the Week: Peach Spinach Salad
- At August 28, 2024
- By Holly Gish
- In Uncategorized
Enjoy the fresh flavors of the season as the local peaches are in full swing. Grab a few for this fresh and healthy salad idea!
The Importance of a Strong Core
- At April 12, 2023
- By Holly Gish
- In Uncategorized
A strong core is about more than just killer torso!
Made up of your abdominal muscles, pelvis, lower back, and hips, it’s crucial for balance, stability, strength and much more.
Signs of a Weak Core:
Your low back aches after standing, walking, or running.
You frequently hunch or slouch.
You tend to use your arms to go from sitting to standing.
Balancing on one leg or walking on bumpy terrain is difficult.
You frequently experience digestion issues such as constipation.
Building your overall strength is difficult, even when working out regularly.
You tend to hold your breath when doing core exercises.
If any of these ring a bell, book a consultation today with a certified Momentum specialist to start you on a course to improved core strength (and feeling better!)
401.272.8900 |
✓ SMART Goals- Timely & Trackable
- At January 09, 2023
- By Holly Gish
- In Uncategorized
New Year’s Resolutions are well and good, but if you don’t set a time period within which you’d like to accomplish them, did they even exist? Try these tips to finish what you set out to do in 2023!:
• Setting a time limit or date by when you want to achieve the goal will hold you accountable.
• By what date will you finish the goal?
• What can I today? What about next week? Next month?
Pick a time amount and a date, as well as a way to track your improvement over time. Perhaps write your efforts down in a journal or track them on an app so you can see how far you’ve come and feel proud of what you’ve accomplished. Tracking your progress means you can see it, feel it, and want to keep going to the finish!
Example: Instead of “I want to run more”, break it down into specific, measurable, achievable time periods.
Try: I will run three days a week (specific), for 30 minutes (measurable & attainable) so that I am able to run the St. Pat’s 5k (relevant) on March 18th, 2023 (timely). All that’s left is to log the days and bask in your running achievement glory!

Grilled Chicken & Chickpea Salad
- At June 14, 2022
- By Holly Gish
- In Uncategorized
Need a quick and healthy dinner idea that blends the flavors of summer? Try this salad!
🍁 MOVEmber #FallFitness Challenge #4!🍂
- At November 26, 2021
- By Holly Gish
- In Uncategorized
Go hard core this week with our Plank Challenge. Every day, complete the exercise listed. You can do a few throughout the day, or all at once. Just stick with it til next Friday! Share with friends for some fall fitness fun!