Getting the Diet Back on Track Tip #17:
Cooking nutritious foods is a great way to get in touch with the foods you eat and break the chain of unhealthy eating habits. You may be surprised just how fun, rewarding, and delicious healthy can be!
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or our Blog for the healthy Recipe of the Week, posted at the beginning of each week. Here are some great ideas to get you started, from A Couple Cooks:
Getting the Diet Back on Track Tip #16:
Slow down during meals.
Take the time to savor every bite you take. You’ll be less likely to overeat and more likely to enjoy your meal. This helps prevent midday and evening snacking, as you won’t be left looking around for more because you didn’t enjoy what you ate at your meal!
Getting the Diet Back on Track Tip #15:
What kids call “play,” we often call “exercise.” Play a sport, a game, or use the playground equipment to bring the fun back into fitness. If your focus is always on food or drink, refocus on activities that don’t involve your these habits.
Check out this 201 item list of things to do instead of eating or drinking!:
Getting the Diet Back on Track Tip #14:
Learn something new. Sometimes simply taking a quiz or reading an article about nutrition, fitness, or health can change your mindset and get you back on track.
Getting the Diet Back on Track Tip #13:
Substitute with healthy snacks. If you have an alternative, you’re more likely to have pistachios than pie. If you know your office is packed with sodas and snack foods, be prepared with these alternatives so you won’t be tempted:
Getting the Diet Back on Track Tip #12:
Stick with healthy portions and pay attention while you’re eating. It’s a simple way to learn how much you’re eating and to stop when you’re full. Mindful eating not only increases the enjoyment of mealtime, but also prevents overeating and snacking afterward.
Learn more about how much mindful eating can help your mealtime: