Feeling exhausted?
It may “life”, but…are you getting enough iron?
Iron may help manage unexplained fatigue, which can affect both men and women. Even in someone who isn’t anemic, low iron can still reduce energy levels. This is especially common in women until after menopause.
Fatigue from iron deficiency involves more than just a normal level of sleepiness. It causes tiredness that interferes with a person’s daily routine, and activities may feel exhausting and less enjoyable.People with low iron may experience fatigue lasting several weeks or longer.
Iron-rich foods and supplements can help raise iron levels and eliminate feelings of tiredness and exhaustion. Cooking on cast iron can also add to increased dietary intake, too!
Rob S.
Good reasons as to why one shouldn’t overlook iron intake. The ways that people prepare food can go a long way in ensuring sufficient iron is brought in on a regular basis.