Look no further! With only 120 grams of sugar and loads of cocoa flavor, this flourless chocolate cake is our new favorite healthy indulgence. The recipe does take a little while to prepare, but it’s a great arm workout!
A friend of mine recently gave me a great recipe for a healthy dessert. You could also think of this as an energy bar/ball.
Credit should be given to Raw Dogs Catering in Providence, RI. www.rawdogsri.com/
I’m not sure what Raw Dogs officially calls this, but my friend called it a Raw Foods Fruit Fudge.
Raw Foods Fruit Fudge
Nuts: any kind you like
Dried Fruit: any kind you like
Honey (optional)
-In food processor: process nuts into a fine powder. Add dried fruit and process until everything is in tiny bits, and sticks together easily. If it needs more stickiness, add a little honey. Roll into balls and refrigerate, or press into a pan, refrigerate and cut into bars.
-You can use any combo of fruit and nuts that you like. You can also roll them in cocoa powder, flaked coconut, or sesame seeds.